
Winning WOmen Wednesday: 2/16/2022

Join Lady Renee Flowers of Transformation Community Church for this week’s Winning Women Wednesday, where she talks about “Appetites”.  We hope you’ll be blessed by this timely and inspirational message.  Many blessings!

I want to talk to us about our appetites, and when I say appetites, I’m not talking about food. I’m talking about our desires, our heart’s cravings, the things we long for.

And if we’re honest, there are some believers who have an appetite for sin. Appetite for gossiping, an appetite for conflict, gambling, division, malice, sexual immortality, filthy language…

There are church leaders, pastors even who have an appetite for money, wealth, material things. There are married men who have an appetite for women who aren’t their wives and likewise there are married women who have an appetite for men who aren’t their husbands.

And mind you there are people who have an appetite to be seen they want to be held in high esteem for their talents they have a desire to be praised. So, let me ask you, what’s your appetite? What is it that you’re drawn to?

And the thing about appetites, is that they cannot be seen. You could be in a room full of people, and no one would ever know what you’re yearning for. Appetites are hidden things they are hidden to everyone except God.

There are a few passages of scripture that should serve as a warning to all of us about pursuing ungodly sinful appetites.

Romans 1:24-35 the bible says Because they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up: God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts, God gave them up to dishonorable passions, God gave them up to a depraved mind.

And the scripture goes on to tell us all these ungodly appetites they were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, they were boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such
things deserve to die, they did it anyway.

So, if you are persistent in entertaining an appetite for sin,
if you choose to reject God and you don’t repent, there are consequences.

And if you’re consistent in feeding an appetite for ungodly things you’re telling the Lord that you do not want him, you don’t desire to be with him. So, I encourage us to starve any and every desire that we have for sinful/ungodly things and let us have an appetite for Jesus Christ.

Let our appetite be to know you more about God, to walk with Him and to abide in Him more. Let us be hungry for the one who’s the bread of life and let us thirst for the one who has living waters.