"Be of good Cheer"

WInning WOmen Wednesday: 11/2/2022

Be of Good Cheer. Join Lady Renee Flowers of Transformation Community Church for this week’s Winning Women Wednesday, where she talks about “Be of Good Cheer“.  We hope you’ll be blessed by this timely and inspirational message.  Many blessings!

You may have heard the saying life is a roller coaster and it may sound cliché’, but there is truth to this phrase. Life is made up of good times and hard times. We experience both its highs and its lows.

As Christians, we’re not immune to the hardships of life, many would argue that Christians face more hardships than non-Christians.

The bible does tell us in Psalm 34:19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all.

Now, notice the scripture says,” many are the afflictions”. Now this is not to discourage you, but rather help us with our perspective…loving and living for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ doesn’t mean we will live a life free of problems, when we face challenges or pain doesn’t mean the Lord loves us any less than someone else.

God doesn’t promise a life free of suffering, pain, problems, or difficult situations. As a matter of fact, He tells just the opposite.

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Notice that after Jesus warns of the many troubles we will face in the world; He commands us to be of Good Cheer because He has overcome the world. So, whatever you’re going through…Be of Good Cheer, because we are more than conquerors in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are Overcomers in Jesus!

Things may be tough right, things may not be going your way right now, but be of Good Cheer! Have faith in the Lord, and I decree and declare He will see you through!

You may be in a dark place right now but be of Good Cheer! Keep holding on to Jesus.

Not only does God want us to be of Good Cheer, but He also want us to turn to him in prayer during our difficult times. In fact, tough times can motivate us to seek God or prompt us to pursue God through prayer, it can cause us to pray more passionately…pray fervently to God.

You see it’s when trials, tribulation or when trouble comes our way, it makes more aware of just how much we need God to intervene on our behalf. He is our comforter and our very present help in times of trouble, the only help we would ever need.

And yes, as humans we have feelings and emotions that can’t be denied. God doesn’t expect us to be laughing and dancing all the time, Ecclesiastes tells us there’s a time for everything.

What God wants from us is our commitment to Him. What God wants from us is faith because faith is what pleases God. The bible says… 

without faith it’s impossible to please God.

Faith is what moves God to act.

So be of Good Cheer Jesus Christ has overcome the world!