
Winning WOmen Wednesday: 11/30/2022

Bitterness.  Join Lady Renee Flowers of Transformation Community Church for this week’s Winning Women Wednesday, where she talks about “Bitterness”.  We hope you’ll be blessed by this timely and inspirational message.  Many blessings!

Hebrews 12:15 See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.

Now perhaps you’ve been hurt by someone who’s close to you and maybe it was deliberate, maybe there was malicious intent behind that person’s actions. And to top it off you’ve never gotten an apology, but here’s the thing we need to be on guard, not to let that hurt take root in our hearts and become bitterness.

Whatever it is that may have happened to you or against you, you better be quick to LET IT GO

Be quick to forgive. You must be quick to move on.

Romans 12:18 “As much as it depends on you, be quick to seek peace, or if it is possible, as far as it depends on you, “live at peace with everyone”

Don’t even give bitterness an opportunity to grow in your heart.

Don’t give the devil an opportunity to work in your life. We must realize that the reason bitterness is so destructive is because it doesn’t just affect you or the person who’s bitter, it affects everyone they come in contact with.

A bitter person hurts other people because they feel as though the world deserves to be hurt because of what they went through. Now, on the opposite side, when you see someone who has the genuine love of God in their heart; you see someone who welcomes anyone regardless of what they’ve done, what they look like or who they are.

The love of God is what causes us to lead others to Christ.

The love of God that’s in your heart leads you to have a kind heart for unbelievers. So as born-again believers we are to love others because

Jesus Christ first loved us, and he did it even while we were still sinners. We are to forgive because we are forgiven.

People of God we must do away with bitterness. Jesus Christ has and does love us as we are. He has forgiven us despite the many times we’ve fallen short of His word. Jesus Christ has and still does show us kindness, he shows us mercy, he shows us compassion, and, in his word, he has given us the commandment to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. It’s in our best interest to forgive and move on, just forgive and Let It Go!

Matthew 6:15 says “But if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses.

Bitterness and unforgiveness are inseparable emotions you can’t be bitter about something you’ve forgiven. Each one of us need to learn to forgive quickly and strive to imitate Jesus Christ.

Let’s be people who are full of the love of God in our hearts. Let’s do away with arguments and divisions and let’s be kind, let’s be helpful to one another. Let’s encourage each other in Faith to be tenderhearted and compassionate toward one another.

And to have a desire and willingness to advance the Kingdom of God over our own self-interest.