"Defeating the Devil"

Winning Women Wednesday: 12/1/2021

Join Lady Renee Flowers of Transformation Community Church for this week’s Winning Women Wednesday, where she talks about “Defeating the Devil”. We hope you’ll be blessed by this timely and inspirational message. Many blessings!

The devil has a plan: Kill~Steal~Destroy

He is active, persistent, alive, real, relentless. He’s the archenemy of believers. So, we must make sure we stay suited up with the Full Armor of God according to Ephesians 6.

He wants to steal and destroy our families~marriages~children~lives. He wants to distract us any way he can, and he will use anything/anyone he can to do so.

He wants to distract us from reading/meditating God’s word, he wants to distract us from praying, and from worshipping.
But the devil is defeated!!!

He is defeated when we plead the Blood of the Lamb, 

~Old Testament Passover the blood of the Lamb was put over doorposts to protect those inside from the angel of death. Much like the Passover, the blood of the Lamb is applied to our souls to save us from eternal death by cleansing us of our sins. We must plead the blood of the Lamb daily to defeat the enemy, because it is by His blood the devil is defeated!

The devil is defeated by our personal testimony,

Never underestimate the power of your personal story of God’s work of grace in

your life. It brings glory to God. Tell it often. Paul did, in the book of Acts he gave his testimony often about the goodness of God. We must share what He did and how He did it.

Revelation 12:11 tells us we overcome/triumph over him(devil-enemy) by theblood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony.

So, again, never underestimate the power of your words/testimony….They will
defeat the enemy!!!