
Friday Drill Time: 11/19/2021

Fruit in your life.  Join Pastor Flowers from Transformation Community Church for this week’s Friday Drill Time message:  “Fruit”.  We hope this message will be an inspiration and a challenge for you in your walk with God and Jesus Christ.  Many Blessings!


Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. (Luke 6:44)

My father enjoyed gardening when we lived in Indiana. Every year he would harvest a variety of produce from his small garden beds. One of my favorite photos from that time shows my dad holding up a head of broccoli bigger a child’s head. He also planted some fruit trees. But he didn’t label some of them and couldn’t remember which ones were peach and which ones were nectarine—until they produced fruit, that is.

In Luke 6, Jesus isn’t just talking about trees. He’s talking about people. People can be known by what they produce. On the outside everything can look good, but the fruit that is produced might not be as pleasant as the outward appearance.

Faith has a way of producing fruit in us. Faith that is founded on strong roots in God, his promises to us, his Word in us, faithful prayer, and a community of believers around us can’t help producing the fruits of justice, peace, good news, grace, love, and forgiveness. Good trees bear good fruit, and bad trees bear bad fruit. A good tree does not bear bad fruit, and a bad tree does not bear good fruit…Amen and Hallelujah!

What kind of fruit is faith producing in you? If the produce of your life isn’t very good, it’s time to take a look at the tree of your life. Take a look at what roots you have, and begin to develop the good roots of faith provided by Christ. You have to have the Word rooted in your heart. Once the Word is rooted in your heart, your mind will change, then your attitudes will change, then your actions will change. When the roots are good, the fruit can’t help being good as well.


Father, help us to examine the fruit of our lives. Fill us with faith that is strong from the roots up so that our fruit will be good and pleasing to you. Amen.