"Game Changing Presence"

Sunday Sermon: 1/7/2024

Game Changing Presence.  Join Pastor Jason L. Flowers of Transformation Community Church for this week’s inspirational and encouraging word of the LORD:  “Game Changing Presence”  We hope this message will bless you in your walk with God and Jesus Christ.  Many blessings!

Game Changer Presence

2024! We’ve made it another year. It’s almost hard to imagine another year has come and gone so fast. For those of us of a notable age, the years just seem to get faster and faster.

Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

While praying about the sermon series to preach this year. I thought about how much we need the “presence of God” this year. I realized just how much we needed the “presence of God” last year was a direct indicator of how much we’ll need the “presence of God” this year!

The presence of God, for the child of God, is “critical” in the world we live in. As we start a new year, the presence of God should be a primary focus in our lives! I’ve not made a New Year’s resolution! I’ve made a New Year’s determination: to focus more on the presence of God than I ever have in my life!

We live in a world full of dangers for the child of God. We live a world full of danger for anybody and everybody. But not everybody realizes the need for the presence of God as the child of God does or should! Although many children of God realize the need, they don’t act on the need as they should. They become somewhat ambivalent to the concept.
The presence of God should be conceptualized even more importantly than health care, finances, fellowship, friendship, work, obeying laws, etc. I could go on & on! Suffice it to say this: the presence of God is more critical than all those I mentioned and the one’s I didn’t!

For the child of God, the presence of God is paramount and tantamount to everything in our lives! For it is in the presence of God we find that which we need in life! There are a few things to keep in mind as we enter the new year of 2024 concerning the presence of God.

We need to be “aware” of the presence of God! We don’t know how many times that we have failed God by not being “aware” of the presence of God. How many times would God have used us to Minister to someone.

In Luke 1 Zacharias was made aware by the Angel sent by God. When asked the Angel answered:

“I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God…”

It was important enough to Gabriel to make special mention of the presence of God. It should be just as important to each and every single one of us as well.

We need to be “concerned” for the presence of God. Showing “concern” for the presence of God shows “attention” being paid for and to the presence of God. When you show concern for the presence of God, you’ll experience the presence of God in a greater manner.

What will the presence of God do for us in 2024 if we are more aware and concerned for the presence of God?

What is it that we want for our church? We want a vibrant, living presence, manifestations of the Holy Spirit, healing, signs, miracles and wonders church. All these things will happen when we focus on the presence of God in our lives more than just in the church.

Remember: You are the church. Not this building of mortar, concrete, steel, and wood! You are the church. Your focus for the presence of God should be about your life not just the church. Being used by God is going to be more prevalent outside these walls then inside these walls.

It’s funny how so many want to be used by God, but they want to be used of God in the House not outside the house. But most of the work is found outside the house not inside the house.

In 2024 the presence of God will…

#1 Keep You From Conviction

Wait a minute, you may be thinking “I need conviction?” Yes you do, but think about this. The closer the presence of God is in your life; the more God will not have to bring conviction to your life!

We need to practice the presence of God in our lives. Maintaining the presence of God in our lives will keep us from destruction, evil, sin, failing and falling.

In 2024 the presence of God will…

#2 Touch And Bless You

Mark 6:56 (ASV)

And wheresoever he entered, into villages, or into cities, or into the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

To be made “whole” also indicates a “completeness.” In the presence of God, you’ll find a wholeness and completeness being made manifest in your life. God is desiring to complete you.

Colossians 2:10 (NASB)

and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over every ruler and authority;

Philippians 1:6 (NASB)

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus.
But without the presence of God evident in your life the completion won’t happen! I’m not saying you won’t go to heaven, I’m saying “the good work he began in you won’t be complete and you’ll always have an incompleteness in your life and walk with Him. He wants to complete His work in you, but you must allow that work to be completed and it will be completed in His presence.

In 2024 the presence of God will…

#3 – Use You And Bless Others Through You

I don’t have to quote scripture to remind you of how God used the disciples and blessed others through them. Some of the greatest words ever uttered by a mere man was when Peter said, “silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give unto you…”

What happened at that moment was a glorious manifestation of the presence of God. Not only was Peter used for the glory of God, but that same glory of God dipped down to earth, and God healed a man.

In 2024, God desires to use you in the same manner. But only when the presence of God is evident in your life in the manner He desires.

As we enter this New Year of 2024, we need to establish in our hearts & minds immediately to be aware of and concerned for the presence of God. If we’re not aware of and concerned for the presence of God, then we’ll miss God’s presence altogether.

Let me give you a prime example of what happened to me some years ago concerning the presence of God that I wasn’t aware of.

I went to visit a co-worker suffering from cancer in the hospital in Cleveland. I parked in the garage only to find out I was at the wrong hospital. Asking for directions, I was given the wrong directions or misunderstood them. I walked around and around till I worked up a pretty sweat and got a little frustrated to say the least. But I finally arrived at the right hospital and room. I visited and prayed for and with her. But that is not the whole story.

Upon leaving I thought, saving time, I could go back the right way & I got lost again. My frustration level was growing after having gone through being lost once already!

I was passing people right and left on the sidewalk. I was smiling, trying to be polite and friendly. I knew where I was. I also knew I was a long way from where I wanted and needed to be in order to find my truck. I was getting more frustrated by the moment and step. I just wanted to get back to the hotel room.

I walked by people seeing them, but not really looking at them. Nodding my head with a vacant smile and stare. I walked, rather briskly, up to one lady sitting on a bench and she spoke to me as I was approaching her as I smiled. I thought to myself quickly, “she’s going to ask me for some money or a light and I didn’t have any money or light cause I don’t smoke.

I heard her speak out to me saying, “Sir!” I slowed. But then I heard a word that quickly caught my attention: “pastor.” I slowed and heard her say, “are you a pastor?” I stopped cold dead in my tracks as I got hold of myself. I don’t know how she thought I would be a pastor the way I was at that moment. A little stunned I said to her, “yes, I am. I’m a pastor.”

She looked at me and I looked at her as I had not looked at anybody else since leaving the hospital room. She just looked at me for a moment. I saw her face and saw tears welling up in her eyes. I saw her pain, her fear, her concern, her desperation, her aloneness, and the despair in her heart showing in her eyes.

She said, with lips quivering, “will you pray with me?”

I was not only stunned, but I was also ashamed and humbled. I sat down next to this stranger, this lady whom I didn’t know. Others close by were watching as I made my mind, eyes, and attention to focus on her. I asked her what her name was and what I could pray with her about. She told me her name and then said, “My little boy is in surgery, and I can’t find my pastor. I don’t know where he is. Could you pray with me for my little boy? They’re operating on him because his veins won’t carry the blood to his heart that he needs to live.”

All of a sudden, the world became very quiet and private. With all the cars driving by, horns honking, people walking by talking and laughing, helicopters and planes flying overhead, everything got quiet. I took her by the hand introducing myself to her as I gave her my card so she would know without a doubt that I was who I said I was.

I took her hand as I began to tell her God heals. I told her that God knows the name of her little boy and the numbers of hair on his head. I told her I didn’t know that God planned my being lost. God planned my taking a wrong turn. God planned on my being there at that very spot at that very moment all for her and her son. God’s presence led me in spite of me.

She began to cry as she said, “I’m so scared.” I told her “I understand your fear, but if God put us together, in the manner that He did, then He had a plan, and it was unfolding right before our eyes.

I then began to pray with her. I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me and found myself praying out loud on the sidewalk in front of a huge major hospital. People walking by began to walk more quietly, more respectful. Others close by began to listen and watch as we prayed and cried together for her little boy. I told her I’m not a prophet, but we were in the presence of God, and I didn’t believe God would have put us together in the manner He did for her little boy to not survive. I told her I believe your boy is going to be alright by the providence of a loving God.

After praying I saw a man standing next to us. She then saw him and introduced me to her husband. I told him we were praying and that his boy was going to be made whole.

I knew this because of the presence of God was on that sidewalk. How God planned my whole day in my life for that moment.
I felt the presence of God on the sidewalk in front of a hospital with a mother whose heart was breaking, whose fears were running rampant in her spirit, whose mind was so filled with concern she stopped a stranger and asked if he were a pastor and would he pray.

You see, that was simply the presence of God that I was not aware of or concerned about.

In spite of myself, God proved himself to a scared mother and to an unconcerned preacher who was so caught up about being inconvenienced, lost, hot, tired, and frustrated and that he forgot about the presence of God. Now my text in Isaiah 43:9 (NLT)…
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

God wants to do a new thing in your life with His presence in your life. In 2024, immediately start being aware of and concerned for the presence of God. You will experience new… guidance, conviction, favor, fresh anointing, being a blessing, and you will be made whole.