"God's Will for your life"

Sunday Sermon: 12/19/2021

God’s Will in Your Life! Join Pastor Jason L. Flowers of Transformation Community Church for this week’s inspirational and encouraging word of the LORD: “The Will of God for Your Life.” We hope this message will bless you in your walk with God and Jesus Christ. Many blessings!

God’s Will For Your Life

Where does the will of God fit into your life? That is, do you ask for His direction? His guidance? His permission? Or do
you just wake up in the morning and decide that you are just going to live for the day? Or you don’t give it a lot of thought?
Are you just one of those persons who walks in the same tracks every day and as long as you have what you want, what you
think you need, you don’t really give God a whole lot of thought? When I think about that and I think about how people
operate without God in their life, I’m brought back to a church leaders meeting I was at. There were 30 deacons and there were
7 men who ran everything. And since I had no authority, they would let me sit in on their meetings. So, I was sitting in on this
meeting that I will never forget. They got into a little bit of an argument and a serious discussion and couldn’t seem to make up
their mind. They couldn’t make a decision about something. This went on for about 45 minutes or so. And I thought to
myself that we are not getting anywhere. So, I said “why don’t we ask what is the will of God about this?” I’ll never forget the
reaction. The man on my right was an attorney and he said “leave God out of this, this is business.” Well when he said that,
my response was “how can you leave God out of God’s business.” It is the will of God that we live a certain way and it
affects every single thing that we do and say.

So today’s sermon title is God’s Will For Your Life.

You Ready… Let’s Go

The will of God is the principle by which we should live every single day

The will of God is our guide. The will of God is the principle by which all of us should live every single day. Doesn’t make any
difference who you are. But if you never ask God for direction in your life, what you are saying by your conduct and your
attitude is that you can live without Him. I don’t need His direction. I don’t need His help. I can make it without it. When
you live day after day without consulting with God asking Lord what is your will, what pleases you, what honors you?…If I live
day after day without asking that, what I’m saying is that I don’t need Him. Some of you will say that you never act as if I don’t
need God. But what about your conduct? What about your habits? Do you act like you don’t need Him or do you act like
you need Him? If you believe that God has a sovereign will for your life, which he does. If you believe what the bible says
about God and our relationship to Him then how do you go day after day without asking “Lord what would you have me to do
about this?” What would you have me to do about this purchase, this relationship, about my attitude, about my expense,
about how I handle money or how I handle people? In other words, if you go day after day and you don’t ask for God’s
guidance and direction, what you are saying is that you can handle it… How foolish! How foolish to think that you can
handle life without God in this world in which we live. One of the interesting things I want to read in this scripture is this. Turn
with me to Luke 22:39-42

Jesus Christ is our example to follow.

Here is Jesus on His way to the cross. His ministry is coming to a close physically and he know the Father’s will. He has been
praying about that. He’s been knowing about that for a long time. 30 years as a carpenter and now he has been an evangelist
teaching the Word of God. Even the Son of God lived in complete dependence and submission to His Father. When the
prospect of the cross was imminent, He did not face it independently.

Luke 22:39-42 (NKJV)

Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was 
accustomed, and His disciples also followed Him.  40  When He came to the place, He said to them, “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” 41  And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed,  42  saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”

Mount of Olives was His place of prayer.

Listen to what the Son of God is praying

Is there any other way for us to purchase redemption for all mankind and escape the cross?

In His time of distress, Jesus asked the Father if there was any 
other means to accomplish the redemption of mankind—there wasn’t—but His main concern was that He follow God’s will, not His own. And that’s exactly how we should think about every situation we face

The will of God

If somebody asked you are you living in the will of God, how 
would you answer that? Well you can’t answer that unless you know what it is, right?


That which God approves and determines to bring about; it concerns God’s choices of what to do and what not to do. Think
about that.

When is the last time you asked God what to do about this?

God, what about my relationship to her or to him?

God, what about my job?

Lord, where do you want my kids to go to college?

Lord, what about my relationship to this man or to this woman?

Lord, where do you want me to live?

Lord, what about changing jobs?

Just when is the last time you opened yourself up to the holy God who knows everything and has your best interest
at heart?

When is the last time you opened your heart and asked Him to show you His will; what would you have me to do?

There are many people who don’t think they need the will of God. They are living their lives according to the way they want
to live it, but they are miserable. And many people are miserable and will not turn to God because they think they are
smart enough to figure it out. Why do we have so much alcoholism, drugs, immorality and all the rest? People are
looking for something to satisfy that inner feeling that they have, looking for something that will make them happy. Looking for
something or somebody that will bring them completeness when only God can do it. God didn’t make us, equip us to live happily and peacefully and eternally without Him. You’re not made that away. We are made to depend upon the almighty God. And here is the Lord, Jesus Christ himself, asking the Father is there any other way, acknowledging His dependence upon the Father In your own personal life, how often do you ask Him about decisions that you have to make? There are always going to be decisions. We either ask Him or we don’t ask Him.

Living in God’s will is our protection.

2 Peter 3:17-18 (NKJV)

You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away
with the error of the wicked;  18  but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

If we don’t look to God for daily direction, we are sure to stumble and fall. We can’t know what the future holds, but the
Lord does. He alone has complete understanding and wisdom to direct our path, not only in the crucial decisions, but in our daily concerns. Considering all this, our response should be to make Him our priority each day

Any of us can stumble and fall; God wants us looking to Him, depending on Him, trusting Him because

You don’t know what the day will hold; nothing is guaranteed so

We have to live our life in relationship to God

We have to seek His will, His purpose and plan for our life

We just can’t call upon Him when things have gotten out of control and you finally decide you need some help

God has the best will for every single one of us; you just have to ask Him and be willing to do exactly what he says

What is God’s will?

First and foremost, He desires that we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and surrender fully to Him. The Lord is
omniscient-knows every detail of our lives and has given each of us different capabilities and skills that enable us to accomplish whatever He has planned for us. Therefore, we must avoid the danger of comparing ourselves with others and longing for what He has entrusted to another person. In His wisdom, God has provided everything we need to live as He desires and has promised to guide us into His will if we are yielded to Him We need the Lord for every aspect of our lives.

Therefore, we should pray and read His Word every day to discover how He would have us live and to plead for His
guidance. We need His wisdom in our marriages, with our children, on the job, and with problems that arise. No part of our
lives is to be lived independently of our wise and loving Creator.

If you want God’s best every day, you don’t leave God out!

You make Him the priority of your life for that day; yet many people won’t even do that

Those who don’t know Christ as Savior are living without God.

This is why some people’s lives are such a mess. They try to fill the divine void with substitutes, but the emptiness remains
because there is only one person who can satisfy the deep longings of the human heart, and that is Jesus.
God loved mankind so much that He sent His beloved Son to die for them so that those who believe in Jesus Christ could be
forgiven and reconciled to Him. Yet so many people in the world will never turn to the Lord because they don’t want
anyone, including God, telling them how to live. As a result, they miss out on the best possible life because genuine peace,
joy, and fulfillment are only found in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

God doesn’t judge us by comparing us to others; He has a plan for your life; God don’t make mistakes; you’re important

Life is serious business because after death, there will be judgment

Hebrews 9:27 (NKJV)

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, As the Creator, God has a right to be the center of our lives. The reason our society is in chaos is because people think they don’t need God nor do they want to obey Him. But until they confess their sin, receive Christ as Savior, and surrender fully to Him, they will never know His salvation.

Parents – Introduce your children to the truth that God has a will and plan for their lives at an early age

I ask God to show His will in the lives for Sheenae (30), Sierre (28), Jordan (27), Darrick (18), Gavin (8) and Kendyll (2) every day. Doesn’t matter how old they are But to those of us who turn to Christ in repentance, faith, and submission, God gives guidance for every step of life. He is able to redeem our past and give us an entirely new heart and perspective on life—one in which He is the center and priority. Although His plans for our lives are not always easy, they are always best. He will forgive and forget your sins.

When you are living in sin, you can’t do anything until you deal with the sin problem

God loves you and has a will and a plan for your life.

Without God, we are not mature enough to make wise decisions. I don’t care how old you are

When is the last time you asked the Lord “what is His will for your life at this point?” Not worrying about yesterday.

We never get too old to ask God “what is your will for my life about this; what would you have me to do?”

That is the best way to live; it’s the only way to live.

Just remember when Jesus died, He had you in mind.

He will never turn a deaf ear to you.

He loves you and willing to forgive you no matter what you have done; but you have to trust Him.

There was a time when I was the ministry leader over the church youth sports. I will never forget the parent of a child
I was coaching. I had a parent meeting and I had a picture of my wrecked, broken down car on my clipboard that I
wanted repaired. And I was explaining how nice it drove to one of the players. Well, she was sitting on the front row
listening. Two weeks later she said I want to tell you something. She said to me that she had made such a mess of
her life and was ready to give up. She said that when I mentioned that the wrecked, broken down car would be
rollin’ again soon. She said in that moment, God spoke to her that she will too. She’ll be rollin’ again too!
So don’t ever give up, don’t ever give in. God has a will for your life. All you have to do is trust and obey!