"Resting in God"

Winning WOmen Wednesday: 7/17/2024

Resting In God.  Join Lady Renee Flowers of Transformation Community Church for this week’s Winning Women Wednesday, where she talks about “Resting in God”. We hope you’ll be blessed by this timely and inspirational message. Many blessings!

Resting in God

Scripture Reading — Psalm 91:1-16

You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day. . . . Psalm 91:5

Psalm 91 assures us that “whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” All who trust in God will be protected by him. He will protect his children from their enemies, from those who lay traps to harm them. He will shelter and shield his children under his wings. The Lord himself makes this bold promise: “You will not fear the terror of night.”

These are beautiful words of assurance. But does this mean nothing bad will ever happen to us? No.

Because of sin’s effects on the world, bad things sometimes happen to everyone. Jesus himself was attacked by the evil one, and this psalm even points ahead to our Lord’s temptation in the wilderness (v.11-12; see Matthew 4:6).

This psalm assures us that as we keep trusting and holding on to the Lord—no matter what troubles we face—he will deliver us. When we call his name, God will answer. He will show us his salvation.

Father, we don’t understand how in all things you work for our good (Romans 8:28), but we know that you have shown us salvation in Jesus. Help us to trust in you always.