"The resurrection-The Rock is alive"

Sunday Sermon: 4/9/2023

The Resurrection-The Rock is Alive.  Join Pastor Jason L. Flowers of Transformation Community Church for this week’s inspirational and encouraging word of the LORD:  “The Rock is Alive”  We hope this message will bless you in your walk with God and Jesus Christ.  Many blessings!

The Resurrection – The Rock Is Alive

The Resurrection of Jesus is what separates every other major religion from Christianity.

Buddha died and is dead. Muhammad died and is dead. Gandhi died and is dead. Joseph Smith died and is dead. Jesus died, but He rose from the dead, and is alive forevermore. This is the crown jewel of our faith: the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I recently read in the paper about a story, a letter came from the Health and Human Services department to a resident. It read: “Your food stamps will be stopped at the end of March, because we received notice that you passed away. May God you bless you. You may reapply if your circumstances change.” We find that humorous because we have learned that death is inflexible. That person is never going to reapply because their circumstances are never going to change. Death is fixed and death is final. We all know this.

If you have known someone to die, you attended their funeral, and watched their body buried, you would not believe anyone who told you a few days later that they saw your friend at Wal-Mart picking up some milk and deodorant. You would think that person was either sadly mistaken, or unusually cruel. But you wouldn’t believe them for a second. Why? Because dead people don’t drink milk or use deodorant. We have learned that death is an unchangeable, unfixable reality.

It is that truth that makes our text today so remarkable. The followers of Jesus had watched their best friend and their greatest hope die a cruel death and be buried in a borrowed tomb. Their despair was rooted in their belief that His death was unchangeable and unfixable. Then the greatest event in the history of mankind happens. Look at Mark 16:1-8 (READ).

I have read this passage numerous times over the years, but this week I saw something I hadn’t really seen before. There are three different rocks in these 8 verses that teach us some deep, life changing lessons.

The first rock I want you to notice is…


Mark tells us that when the Sabbath was over, some of the women who loved Jesus and had followed Jesus bought some spices and then headed to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body. First, let's commend these ladies for their sheer boldness to put their lives and reputation on the line. They risk everything to get to His body. Why? Because they absolutely, wholeheartedly, and undeniably love Jesus. And their love causes them to forget about themselves and do what needs to be done. Even if no one else joined in.

But we have to understand this…while these women undoubtedly LOVE Jesus, at this moment they do not BELIEVE Jesus. You say, “What do you mean Pastor Flowers?” Well, what had Jesus told all of His followers repeatedly? “Im going to die, be buried, and rise from the dead. They are going to crucify Me, put Me in the grave for 3 days, but I will rise again.” You see, these women loved Jesus, but they did not believe Jesus. We know this by what they were doing. Follow me…

V1: ‘When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body.’ You only buy spices to go to a cemetery and put them on a dead person if you believe one thing, that the person you love is DEAD. They want to SPEND one last moment with Him, SHOWER one last kindness upon Him, and SERVE Him in one final way. Why? Because WHILE they loved Him, they didn’t BELIEVE Him. They loved who He was, but didn’t believe what He said. (repeat) We also know they didn’t believe Him by what they were saying. Watch this…

V2-3: ‘…they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” They had spices for a dead person in their hands and concerns about a covered grave on their lips. You put those together and it’s the evidence of unbelief. Did they love Jesus? Unquestionably. Did they doubt Jesus? Wholeheartedly.

But when they get to the tomb, they aren’t met by God’s anger for their unbelief, but by God’s grace to overcome their unbelief. What do they find? They find another opportunity and ample evidence to believe Jesus.

You see, God knew they loved Jesus, but that wasn’t enough. He demanded that they believe Him as well. Look at verse four.

V4: ‘But when they looked up, they saw the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.’

Suddenly, their plans and their problems were no longer relevant. The spices they bought were useless and the 2,000-pound stone they worried about was rolled away. In the blink of an eye, both their work and their worries vanished.

If you look closely, you see man’s religion and God’s grace. You say, “What do you mean Pastor Flowers?”

You see, the women were going to do something for Jesus. They were going to do something for God. Well intentioned and sincere. But in their own strength. That’s what religion is all about. But God wasn’t looking for them to do something for Him; He had something to give to them. They came to show their love for God, but God revealed His love for them.

You see, that rolled back rock, that empty tomb, that speaking angel all were because of one thing…God’s Grace. They didn’t earn this. They didn’t deserve this. This was a gift. Amen

Let’s just be clear: The rock was not removed to let JESUS OUT, but to let THEM IN.

Not only them, but the rest of world after them as well. God was saying, ‘Come investigate. Come see. Come believe.’ It’s easy to sit and wonder how these women could love who Jesus is, but not believe what He says, right? But don’t we often do the same?

I love Jesus…but I’m so worried about my declining health, or keeping my job, or putting clothes on my kids, paying my bills. I love Jesus, but I just don’t know what I’m going to do! Didn’t Jesus say: “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

You see, it’s one thing to love Jesus when you’re blessed, but it’s quite another to believe Him when you’re stressed. But it’s not enough to believe the tomb was empty. You must believe Jesus is alive. The Pharisee’s knew the tomb was empty. The Romans believed the tomb was empty. But they didn’t believe Jesus was alive. An empty tomb can’t change your life or save your soul; only a living Christ can do that.

The Empty Tomb is both EVIDENCE and an INVITATION. It’s evidence for His resurrection, and it’s an invitation to believe in Him.

Tell your neighbor… Jesus is Alive!!


V5-6: “As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe (White is actually a Greek word describing reflected light. It’s clothed in the bright light or shining glory of God.)…sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.”

The rock was rolled away from the tomb to reveal that the Living Rock, the Solid Rock was no longer there. The angel reassures them they have come to the right PLACE looking for the right PERSON. But God has them there for a new PURPOSE. They came to say their last goodbyes. But God has them there to be the first witnesses. They are invited to see and believe so that they can go and tell!

Notice what the angel tells them to come and see. “See the place where they laid (past tense) him.”

Today, we might translate this: “The angel said, ‘Hey, come over here and check this out! Look right here where there’s nothing.”

The angel leads them into an empty tomb and points to the empty slab. “See, this is where He was, now He’s gone.”

Three important words the angel says: He has risen! In the Greek, it’s actually just one word: Egerthe. It literally means ‘He has been raised.’ It’s past tense. It’s over. It’s done. It’s complete. It’s similar to the one-word Jesus shouted from the cross: Tetelesti!! It is finished! It’s over. The debt is paid. The sacrifice is complete. What Jesus was sent to do is done. The Gospel is complete. He has been raised!

And what is the command from the angel to the women once they have seen and experienced this? “Now that you’ve come and seen…Go and Tell!!” The mandate given to them is the same for us. The resurrection of Jesus isn’t just to be experienced by us, but shared with others as well. Please understand why this is so important: The resurrection isn’t just a nice thing; it’s a necessary thing. The church recognizes Easter on a Sunday. Why? Because it was on that day our
salvation was completed. Now, we no longer rest on the Sabbath because of the Law; we rest in the Savior because of grace. We sing about the cross, but we celebrate the empty tomb. It’s the empty tomb that makes the bloody cross meaningful and powerful. We find power in the blood of Jesus! Amen

Romans 4:25: “He was handed over to die because of our sins, and He was raised from the dead to make us right with God.” It took both the crucifixion of Jesus and resurrection of Jesus to make us right with God. Dying on the cross, He paid for our sin. Coming out of the grave, He conquered our death.

A dead person doesn’t need reformation. A dead person needs resurrection. A dead person needs one thing and that is life.

The Bible says, ‘the wages of sin is death’. Sin kills the soul. That’s why Jesus said, “I have come to give you LIFE, and LIFE more abundantly.” Jesus didn’t come to improve your life; He came to give you life. Amen

Romans 10:9: “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Belief in the resurrection is essential to salvation. This is TRUE TRANSFORMATION!! Tell Your Neighbor… Believe Jesus is Alive!!


V7: No go and tell his disciples, including Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you before he died. You might be thinking, ''Pastor, I don't see anything about a rock in there.” Some of you might remember that Jesus changed Peter’s name. It was originally Simon, which means ‘unstable one’. And Jesus said, “Oh no, from now on you’ll be called Peter.’ The name Peter means ‘Rock’.

Aren’t you glad that Jesus not only sees you as you are, but He sees what you can become? It’s one thing for us to believe in Jesus, but isn’t it encouraging to know that Jesus believes in us? Jesus knew how Peter would betray Him, desert Him, and abandon Him to die alone. And yet, He chose Peter anyway. He called on Peter anyway.

And who does the angel specifically want told that Jesus is alive and wanting to meet them in Galilee? Can you see the women telling the disciples what they saw and what they heard, and everyone is like ‘let’s get to Galilee’, and Peter’s like, ‘Well, ‘m not going. He doesn’t want to see me. You all know what I did. You all know I promised to die with Him and for Him. But I ran. I didn’t try to save Him.

I saved myself. I’m not going. He doesn’t want to see me.” And what response would the women have? “Oh no Peter, we were specifically told to tell you about this. Jesus wanted you to personally know He is alive, and He can’t wait to see you in Galilee.”

Question is… How many of you are like Peter…

 Feel like you messed up too bad.

 Feel like you are not worthy

 Feel like you have forsaken Jesus or worse

 Feel like Jesus has forsaken you

Just know… You haven’t gone too far. Your failure isn't final. He died for ALL of your sins. You are still His.

Yeah. Peter. The one who had done the worst was used the most. You know what that’s called? Grace. Your sin doesn’t disqualify you from service. God doesn’t use the perfect; He uses the repentant. Peter finally realized it wasn’t about what he had done. It was about what Christ had done for him (help me somebody). It wasn’t about who he was, but about who Jesus is that makes all the difference.

Stop evaluating yourself on what you’ve done or haven’t done. That is not where your value lies. Evaluate your life on who you belong to. Do you belong to Jesus? Have you surrendered your life to His Lordship, to His guidance, to His control, to His ownership and Kingship? Have you believed and received the Good News of the Gospel that Jesus perfectly fulfilled the Law, sacrificially died for sin, and physically rose from the dead, to permanently reconcile sinners back to a Holy God through repentance of sin and faith in Him?

Mark makes it abundantly clear: Jesus is not a good way to heaven or a better way to heaven. He is not even the best way to heaven. He is the ONLY way toheaven. He was crucified for your sins and He was raised to conquer your death. And He is inviting you to come and see, so that you might go and tell.

Tell Your Neighbor… Jesus is Alive, now go spread the Good News!!

Oh, how he loves you and me He gave his life, what more can he give
Oh, how he loves you…
Oh, how he loves me… Oh, how he loves you and me