"The Service of Love"

Friday Drill Time: 7/1/2022

The Service of Love.  Join Pastor Flowers from Transformation Community Church for this week’s Friday Drill Time message:  “The Service of love”.  We hope this message will be an inspiration and a challenge for you in your walk with God and Jesus Christ.  Many Blessings!

Every now and then something comes along in our lives and reminds us we are not in charge, in control. We’re not as strong as we thought we were, or we’re not as prepared as we thought we were.

1 Corinthians 10:12 says If you think you are standing strong be careful not to fall.

And so, we need to have some humility in our lives. If things are well with you then praise be to God, but don’t look down at others who are struggling. No one is immune to the troubles of life. We all at some point have battles and challenges we have to face in life.

Regardless of the burden you’re facing regardless of the struggle you’re in, the Lord has you on his heart. God has promised to be with us no matter what happens to us. The Lord has said I will never leave you nor will I forsake you.

So, if you’re timid or afraid take heart the Lord has said he will never leave you, if you’re ashamed, if you feel bad and remorseful repent and take heart. God will never leave you. if you feel unqualified take heart God will never leave you. This promise is forever true. We cannot outlive the promises of God

So many people are blind to this truth and being blind to God’s promises is the reason why so many people are plagued with worry and fear. People’s hearts are weighed down because they have not opened themselves up to the truth in God’s promises. And when you’re blind to this truth, you’re worried: Will my health hold up? Will I live to see my grandkids? Singles wonder if they will ever marry, married couples look at all the divorces and wonder if they’ll make it. Will I ever be able to make enough money to afford this or that?

These are some of the things that keep people awake at night, some people wake up and the enemy they face is depression, y is worry, anxiety or sickness/disease is looking at them straight in the face.

But perhaps fear is the underlying force or spirit behind these feelings. Fear will cause someone to be anxious all the time, fear
will displace the joy in someone’s life and leave them dejected, depressed, and feeling hopeless. Fear will blind you to everything that is good, blessing from God. You see fear is more than just a negative thought or an emotion, fear is a spirit.

2 Timothy 1:7 says For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.

The spirit of fear lies and is deceitful. The spirit of fear comes to sabotage our faith, our trust and belief in God’s promises. The spirit of fear is paralyzing, it’s one of the devil’s weapons of choice because of how it can consume our minds and hearts.
Nowhere does it say God gave us a spirit of fear, so why do so many of us accept it in our lives? Why do we fall victim to it time and time again?

And so, as children of God we must pray against this spirit of fear and rebuke it from our lives. And anchor ourselves in the word of God and his promises. And as we build our faith, we block out the spirit of fear. Fear and faith don’t mix.